• Verified apartments

    We personally inspect the apartment before your stay to make sure it matches the pictures.

  • Refund policy

    Cancel up to 7 days before arrival for 70% refund.

  • Personal support

    Our dedicated team is here to help you during your stay.

  • Discounts

    Get up to 25% for longer stays.

Hanan A. A.
الموقع مميز جدا وقريب من اوتريم فلورا مكان مميز للتسوق والسكن ممتاز جدا وبه شطاف في احد الحمامات المضيف ممتاز جدا جدا وسريع الاستجابه وساكرر السكن فيه لو سمحت لي الفرصه بزيارة براغ مره اخرى
נמרוד פ.
היה ביתי ונעים מאוד.
Denisa B.
Cel mai frumos apartament unde am avut ocazia sa stam. Pe langa curatenia si designul elegant si cochet, a fost extrem de spatios cu o gramada de spatii pentru depozitare, nu a exista un lucru care sa ne lipseasca. Apartamentul a fost dotat complet si ne am simtit extraordinar. Chiar am avut atmosfera de acasa. Foarte aproape de mijloacele de transport, mall, Penny market. Per total, vom recomanda cu siguranta acest apartament. Felicitari si multumim! 🙏🏻
  • Furnished apartments

    Our apartments are comfortably equipped and provide you with all the necessities for both short and long-term stays.

  • Attention during your stay

    During your stay we will be happy to take care of cleaning, arrange a change of bed linen or give you advice on how to enjoy Prague like a local.

  • Access to guest portal

    In our guest portal, you will find useful information about the apartment, Prague highlights, and the option to message us at any time.

Location guide


The popular Vinohrady district is just minutes from the city center, yet far enough away for visitors to get a good night's sleep. Vinohrady is a popular green residential area, as there are several beautifully-maintained parks where locals love to sit or go for walks. There are also loads of excellent restaurants and cafés in the area. In Riegrovy Sady you can sit in the famous beer garden, and on Náměstí Míru you can be part of the lively outdoor markets held in the shadow of St. Ludmila's Church.